Jim Staes ’60: Still together after 63 years

Jim recently shared an update on where life has taken him since his days at the house in the 1960s along with the most important and lasting legacy of his time in Delta Tau Delta: 

In September of 1956, I went to Champaign to live in the Delt House. Across John Street was a sorority, and we invented their pledges to join us for a get together. Classes had not yet started. At that exchange I met briefly a cute blonde named Diane. We didn’t begin dating until we were sophomores. Come June 8th we will be celebrating our 63rd wedding anniversary.  

After graduation in 1960, we started our Navy adventure in Pensacola, Florida, with me in flight training. Our first duty station took us to the Philippines for about two years. In 1965, it was back to the University of Illinois for graduate school and flying in the Naval Reserves. Upon finishing grad school, I started my banking career in Chicago. Life took us and our three children to California in 1972. Diane and I still live in the house we bought that year. Now, long time retired from the Navy and banking, we are blessed to be in good health and enjoying family functions and each other.