Here’s how Delta Tau Delta impacted my life

Delta Tau Delta is the place where we had a lot of firsts. It’s the place where we first ventured out of our hometowns, the first place we bonded to on campus, and the place where we first learned the true meaning of friendship. Read on to see what your brothers said on how Delta Tau Delta impacted their lives.

Of the lasting impact of his fraternity experience, Bob Rankine ’58 reflects: “My Delt brothers have been friends that have lasted a lifetime.”

Jeff Padavic ’93 notes that “many” of his brothers have had his back over the years. Specifically, he notes: “Robert Lee and Chris Lis have been great sounding boards as I navigated through two divorces, losing my job, losing my dad. Chris helped connect my family with the best doctors in the U.S. as my dad struggled with prostate cancer, helping him enjoy more life with us.”

How did Delta Tau Delta impact you? CLICK HERE to share your story with us and be featured in an upcoming eLetter!