Jeff Padavic ’93: “Solid guys – good Delts” 

When Jeff Padavic, a 1993 graduate in actuarial science, pledged Delta Tau Delta, he chose a house that was known for “good guys, good parties, good grades, nice shelter.” 

Looking back on those days, Jeff remembers many entertaining nights spent in the Pool Room, a favorite hangout spot, as well as some good-natured fun at his expense “when Brother Ary (Scott Ary ’93) had a female friend of his call me claiming to be a woman I wanted to date and asking me to go to one of her dances. I came down to have dinner and told them all, ‘Guess who just called me to ask me to her dance?’ Scott had told them what he did and all the guys busted out laughing.” 

He also recalls that, “we didn’t understand the magnitude of rush, struggled finding a weekend for our walkout and ended up deciding to have our walkout over formal rush. Actives were less than thrilled.” 

Regarding the lasting relationships from his fraternity days, Jeff reports that, “I keep in touch with brothers Chris Lis, Robert Lee, Scott Ary, Allen Layne, Brian Marshall, Matt Wilson ‘89 and a few others, and enjoyed seeing a bunch of the guys at the September events celebrating our 150th.” 

“Brothers in my pledge class are closest friends but always enjoyed several of the older brothers; Jeff Tuisl ‘92, Cory Lichtenberger ‘92, Matt Wilson, Dan Stephan ‘92, Eric Dollman ‘91, Ed Hulina ‘91, Bob Iorii ‘91, and Matt McQuinn ‘90 to name a few. Solid guys, smart, fun – good Delts.” 

Jeff values the lasting nature of friendships formed through Delta Tau Delta, which he describes as “easy to pick up after a break.” 

He also notes that “many” of his brothers have had his back over the years. Specifically, he notes: “Robert Lee and Chris Lis have been great sounding boards as I navigated through two divorces, losing my job, losing my dad. Chris helped connect my family with the best doctors in the U.S. as my dad struggled with prostate cancer, helping him enjoy more life with us.” 

Per Jeff, he has been “married (and divorced!) twice,” with three children ranging in age from 14 to 19. He worked as a consulting actuary for 20+ years before moving to an in-house corporate retirement expert role.